While you are pregnant, everything that you do has an effect on your baby. The amount of sleep you get, the kinds of food you eat, and how much exercise you get every day all impact your baby’s health and growth. It is important to know that everything you put into your body will also… Read more
Posts Tagged: pregnancy
What Should I Eat When Pregnant?
Posted by https://www.virginiabeachobgyn.com/author/ciniva2/ & filed under blog.
What Should I Eat When Pregnant? While pregnant, it can be tough to know what foods are best eat, and what to avoid. Suddenly, you’re not just eating for yourself but for your growing child and have concerns about making the right choices. Pregnant women are often hungrier, but it is important to eat foods… Read more
Fighting the Scale – A Pregnant Physician’s Perspective Part IV by Ilene Goldstein, MD
Posted by https://www.virginiabeachobgyn.com/author/cmathias/ & filed under blog.
In the last ten years practicing obstetrics, I’ve heard countless women state they entered pregnancy with a higher body weight than they would have liked. I’ve counseled patients in the preconception time period regarding optimizing health prior to pregnancy and for many this includes recommendations for weight reduction to enhance the ability to conceive and… Read more
A Pregnant Physician’s Perspective…. by Ilene Goldstein, M.D.
Posted by https://www.virginiabeachobgyn.com/author/cmathias/ & filed under blog.
I am admittedly a terrible patient. Often those who work in the medical field are chastised for taking poor care of themselves despite spending hours daily caring for others. Now I’m in a new position, with a new patient perspective — when office visits and acting as a “good patient” are no longer about me…. Read more
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